Seminar on Artificial Intelligence at the summit of Mt.Fuji
柳井 啓司 Keiji Yanai
電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科 情報学専攻 Department of Informatics, The University of Electro-Communications
The objective of this project is to hold a workshop on artificial intelligence with two or three invited speakers at the summit of Mt.Fuji. This year we visited Mt.Fuji Research Station(MFRS)
with two students as Trial use. We brought a laptop PC and a video projector for testing, and we have confirmed that both worked well in the same way as a standard ground seminar. In addition, we
checked the speed of the Internet connection at MFRS. As a result, it was around 5Mbps which was enough to broadcast the seminar via real-time streaming with limited resolution. Our visit to MFRS
was very fruitful for holding a Mt.Fuji summit AI workshop next year.