

向井人史 (Hitoshi MUKAI)

国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター

Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institude for Environmental Studies



寺尾有希夫・野村渉平 Yukio TERAO and Shohei NOMURA

国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institude for Environmental Studies




A study for CO2 observation for long-term at the summit of Mt. Fuji





その結果、(1)富士山頂のCO2濃度は北半球中緯度の平均的なCO2濃度を示すマウナロア観測所の値より夏期は低く、冬期は高いこと、そして(2) CO2計が搭載された航空機により計測された富士山頂周辺のCO2濃度とほぼ同じ値であった。また富士山頂のCO2濃度増加率は、マウナロアと同等であったこと、増加率の周期性はEnso Indexと一致していた。




The operational framework of Mt. Fuji weather station shifted from a manned observation to the unmanned observation at 2004 then the station is not supplied the power and closed during Sep-Jun. National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) made the automatic CO2 observation system that is able to charge the power to 100 batteries during Jul-Aug and measure the CO2 concentration at Mt. Fuji throughout the year. The system was installed at the station on July 2009. As results, (1) the CO2 concentration at Mt. Fuji is lower and higher than those of Mauna Loa which shows the averaged CO2 concentration level in North hemisphere in summer and winter, respectively; (2) the CO2 level at Mt. Fuji showed the same level with aircraft measurement around Mt. Fuji; (3) the CO2 growth rate of CO2 concentration at Mt. Fuji showed the similar variation with that of Mauna Loa; (4) the inter-annual variability for CO2 growth rate of Mt. Fuji related with the ENSO Index.

On July 2017, we began to the flask sampling once a month at the summit to monitor greenhouse gases. We collected the flasks and analyzed on July 2018. The CH4 and N2O at Mt. Fuji showed higher than those of Mauna Loa.