1.氏 名:浅野 勝己 / Katsumi ASANO
2.所 属:筑波大学名誉教授/ Emeritus Professor of Tsukuba University
(1) 中高年女性登山者への富士山学校科学講座の開講。
(2) 中高年女性登山者の為の高所順応トレーニングの実施。
8月8日午後 | 8月9日午前 |
増減 |
安静時心拍数(拍・分) | 86.5 (71~101) | 80.8 (63~97) | -7% |
動脈血酸素飽和度(%)(SpO2) | 77.3 (70~ 85) | 82.8 (82~86) | +7% |
1. Seminar for senior female climbers on the results of research ]on Mt..Fuji and mechanism
and prevention method for acute mountain sickness
On August 8,2015,4 senior female climbers〔65~76 years old〕 visited for the summit of Mt.Fuji.
They were very appreciated to study the mechanism and prevention methods for acute
mountain sickness.
2. Trials of altitude acclimatization for climbing to Nepal high mountain
On August 8~9,2015,4 senior female climbers stayed during approximately 20hours involve one night at Mt.Fuji. station.
It was found that SpO2 at rest on 9th morning showed approximately 7% higher than 8th afternoon.
while resting heart rate showed approximately 7% lower than 8th afternoon .
It might be suggested that to stay and sleep during at least 20 hours at Mt.Fuji station were more
effective for acquire the altitude acclimatization.