米持真一 Shinichi YONEMOCHI
埼玉県環境科学国際センター Center for Environmental Science in Saitama
畠山史郎、堀井勇一、藤井佑介(埼玉県環境科学国際センター)、大河内博(早稲田大学理工学術院)、Ki-ho Lee(韓国済州大学校)
Characterization of chemical components of PM2.5/PM1 long-range transported by simultaneous observation in China, Korea and Japan
図1に期間中のPM1濃度の推移を示す。PM1日平均濃度は1.9±1.7 μg/m3であり、最高濃度は7月24日の5.7 μg/m3であった。捕集量が少ないため、ゼロとなる期間も見られた。期間前半は高め目の濃度が見られたが、後半は低濃度で推移した。今後、水溶性イオン及び金属元素分析を行い、富士山頂のPM1の化学成分を明らかにする。
PM2.5 sequential sampler (2025i) was installed at the first building of Mt.Fuji meteorological station in order to clarify transboundary pollution of fine particulate matter such as PM2.5 in northeast Asia.
We carried out PM2.5 sampling in summer for three years. This summer we conducted daily PM1 sampling in order to evaluate anthropogenic aerosols. PM2.5 classifier was changed to PM1 SCC (sharp-cut cyclone) and daily PM1 was collected on PTFE filter from July 24 to August 21 with Kazo (CESS*), Shinjuku (Waseda university) and some sites in China and Korea simultaneously.
Filters were treated based on the reference method of PM2.5 measurement. Trend of daily PM1 mass concentration was shown in Fig.1. Average concentration was 1.9±1.7 μg/m3. The highest concentration was 5.7 μg/m3 on July 24.
富士山成果検討会(2019年3月)、Asian Aerosol Conference (2019年6月)、